Lost in The Glow of Time

Standing in the middle of the streetlight glow,
The lights slowly fading as time goes by, oh.
In the quiet city center where few souls roam,
Underneath the moon, hidden by clouds that loom.

I can't find anyone in this deserted place,
Lost and bewildered, unable to trace.
No direction to follow, no path to tread,
Lost in the dark, can't find my way ahead.

My only goal is to meet with you,
But the fading lights make it hard to pursue.
Like a blind soul in the depths of night,
Perhaps we're in different worlds, out of sight.

Yet, in the end, our paths will align,
I'll find you, a connection so divine.
Maybe not now, in this elusive quest,
But in the future, our hearts will manifest.

Azhar Fariz Daffa Risqullah

Hello everyone, my name is Azhar. I am a person who loves to write anything. So this medium is kind of my playground. I hope you all enjoy.